Stichting Amurang tekende half oktober een contract met Stichting Katholiek Onderwijs Bisdom Manado en één met de Aquino school in Amurang. Die laatste is om de continuïteit van het HDS-project te waarborgen. In Amurang waren HDS-supervisor Frank Persijn en voorzitter Ritsko van Vliet de ondertekenaars. Voor Aquino tekenden pastor Serafion Dianomo (schooldirecteur), mr Heri Kolantung (hoofd Senior Highschool) en mr Novi Tewal (vice-hoofd Junior Highschool). Het coachproject Hari Depan Saya bestaat al tien jaar. Frank is dat in 2009 begonnen en heeft inmiddels al veel leerkrachten opgeleid tot coach. Ritsko van Vliet tekende later nog een contract met Revi Tanod, voorzitter van Stichting Katholiek Onderwijs Bisdom Manado. Op de foto voorzitter pastor Revi Tanod die graag op meerdere plekken in Noord-Sulawesi HDS- en Creaprojecten wil opstarten. Hieronder de tekst van het persbericht:

Today sign represents of Foundation Thomas of Aquino Catholic School and the Dutch Foundation a contract to continue their ten years cooperation. Both partners want to intensive their contacts in which Foundation Amurang sends expert volunteers and Dutch students to join the educational project “ Hari Depan Saya”. In this way Aquino can offer English education and Dutch students can do their internship abroad.

Hari Depan Saya is project in which teachers of SMP and SMA coach their pupils in finding their talents. It’s an educational way in which the children become aware of which studies will be the best for their future. In this process of coaching the pupils find out which qualities are the best for their later profession. And the end of the process mostly four upcoming students will be selected for a scholarship of the Dutch Study Fund Amurang. The contract will be signed by pastor Serafion Dianomo, head SMA Heri Kolantung, vice head SMP , chairman Foundation Amurang Ritsko van Vliet and senior advisor HDS Frank Persijn.

Pastor Revi Tanod, chairman Foundation Catholic Education Dioces of Manado and Ritsko van Vliet sign in Tondano also a contract. With this document they agree to explore the cooperation in other places than Amurang. This month there was an experiment at the SMA and SMP Rosa de Lima in Tondano where five Dutch students teaches some hours in English language, sport, art and global warming.

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