Every year more than fifteen Indonesian youngsters study with a scholarship from 'study fund Amurang'. Additionnally selected pupils of the Senior High School in Amurang now receive a study contribution. We are looking for companies, institutions and individuals who can adopt a student or a pupil by means of an annual donation.

With the project Adoptionstudent The Amurang Foundation matches companies with a student for € 625 per year. This is how Echopractice Piepklein adopted a student who studies to become a midwife. The Protestant Church in Leeuwarden Huizum supports a student of theology. And Movement Centre Leeuwarden helps sport student Alexander Oka. In this way Study Fund Amurang annually supports fifteen students with a scholarship. Youngsters who are otherwise forced to return to their families and wait for when there is a job available. Merry Mukin was the first resident of the home to receive a scholarship. In 2009 she graduated as a nurse. In the mean time 50 students have graduated with our support.

Interested? Then contact us. A one-time donation is also welcome!


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